If you want to help spread the word about the dangers of leaving an animal or child in a parked car my dog is cool is a website worth looking at. The site also has activites for kids or familes to do. So if you know any teachers, sunday school people, camp counselors or even a family
member interested please pass along the website:
Kids and parents can make a pledge not to leave an animal in a car and they get to have the animals picture on the site:

All summer long I will recive calls like this one on 06/15/09, in Grandville, MI.
Charges likely for woman whose dog died from heat in car parked at RiverTown mall
Charges are pending against the owner of a small dog that died Sunday after being left in a car outside of RiverTown Crossings, police said.
Firefighters got into the car and provided oxygen and water from a syringe to the Chihuahua, but it died at the scene, Grandville Detective Sgt. Renee Veldman said.
The dog, a 3- to 4-year old male, was named Lucky, police said.
Veldman said the dog's death serves as a tragic example of what can happen when children or animals are left in cars during summer months.
The outside temperature was 78 degrees when the dog was freed from the car. The vehicle's interior temperature was estimated at around 100 degrees.
The dog owner's name was not released.
Police said the car was parked outside the Macy's store around 2 p.m., with the windows cracked about one inch. An hour later, the owner let the dog out to relieve itself, and returned to the mall to continue shopping. At 4:47 p.m., police were called, and after trying unsuccessfully to locate the owner in the mall, called firefighters, who got the dog out of the car.
The owner, an area resident, came out of the mall while police were at the scene. She could be charged with animal abandonment or cruelty of an animal resulting in death, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail, $2,000 in fines and 300 hours of community service.
The Kent County Animal Shelter issued a statement saying it is "never acceptable to leave pets unattended in vehicles"...
(The Grand Rapids Press)