Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh come on

At first I thought this was a joke, it is not. For One hundred and ten dollars this company will take care of your pets should the rapture occur within ten years of signing the contract. We all have different beliefs and I respect that but people, please, please save your money. I don't believe in the rapture, but I understand how one can worry about a pet. I am Catholic and I respect other peoples systems of belief but this is just another example of someone taking advantage of someone with strong faith. If you believe in God I would assume one could have enough faith to believe God will take care of all of His creations.

"Not one sparrow … can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't worry! You are more valuable to him than many sparrows" (Jesus in Matthew 10:29-31

From the sites FAQ's
Q: When the Rapture occurs, how long before my pet is rescued?
A: The timing is contingent on the number of subscribers we have in each state/region and travel distance. Our rescuers know that this is a time sensitive service. Pets' lives are at stake. We will limit the number of subscribers in each zone so that any given rescuer will not be over burdened. Naturally, we must anticipate that there will be widespread chaos and confusion immediately following the Rapture that could impact travel times. Thus, we are targeting a maximum of between 18- 24 hours from realization of the Rapture, to animal rescue.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hooray Hatch Green Chili

The time of year is here to re-stock on Hatch Chilies. I have no idea why Hatch Peppers from New Mexico are the best tasting but they are. Last year I only bought a few, this year I got a case and a half roasted to hopefully last the year. They come in hot and mild, I like the hot.

IMG_1231 by you.

I like to cook but I don't do it often. I just find it hard to cook for one so don't take the time to do it. However, I could not help it and had to make up some sauce, salsa and chili rellenos.

The sauce is made of onion, flour, garlic, hot hatch peppers, chicken broth and salt.

IMG_1228 by you.
All you need to make great salsa is what is pictured below and water. Stew in a pot for about 30 minutes. Strain the solids and put in a blender. Add about half of the left over liquid and lime juice and blend again. Salt to taste. Chill for at least an hour, over night if possible.

IMG_1238 by you.

Stuff the peppers with cheese

IMG_1233 by you.

Batter them up with a corn meal blend and fry.

IMG_1236 by you.
Add the sauce, cheese chips, tortillas and enjoy.

IMG_1241 by you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sick Coyote part 2

For more on this guy click this great blog and you can see it on film. One word of caution on the video. Paladin geared it toward education and not a happy ending. If you are looking for a feel good animal movie do not click it but if you want to learn more about the real thing you should check it out for sure.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sick Coyote

This poor guy was found today by the other officer I work with. The coyote was sick and could not eat anymore. We work close with wildlife rehabs but this poor guy was past the point to be able to help. It is hard to tell in the picture, but he is mostly bones.
I have always been impressed with the coyotes ability to survive and adopt to its surroundings in the wild,and even in a metropolitan area.
Most of the wildlife with which we share our cities is very adaptable – as is the coyote. They are one of the most adaptable species on the planet. Because they eat a variety of foods which are abundant in our cities, and are opportunistic, they find more then enough food in our cities.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Greatest of Watermelons

Seriously, I could not make this up if I tried. In my job, I deal with the public and have learned to build up some immunity to stupid people. I was not prepared for this one.

I get off early on Wednesday and usually try to go to the grocery store. Yesterday was no exception, but it turned into an odd experience.

I was in the frozen food area deciding if I really needed to get some more Blue Bell Ice Cream, standing away from my cart. The cart was off to the side as to not block the center. A man walked by and walked straight into the cart. He turned and looked at me and gave me the evil eye. Then he just stood staring at me. I know I must have had the most puzzled look on my face and then he walked away.

I proceeded to shop when I noticed him following me around. I stopped this time and asked him if I could help him with something. Again, he just stared at me. This time I waited for him to walk away. As I continued to shop I would notice him around every few minutes and finally I looked at him and could not help but start laughing. This time he huffed at me and walked away.

When I got out to the parking lot, he was loading his groceries two cars away from mine. This was not a kid but a man around 40 and should be somewhat mature but not this guy. Now I am really starting to get concerned. Although it is legal to carry a concealed gun with a license in Texas, I do not carry. Just for the record, I am not anti gun and the issue of why can be another blog sometime for me.

The male ego in me really wanted to get into with him, however I showed restraint. I did not walk to my car but acted like I was on the phone. What is even worse about this is my phone broke so I have my sim card in my sister in-law’s old phone until I go get a new one. The phone is pink. So now, I am in the middle of the parking lot pretending to talk on a hot pink phone with some crazy person watching me.


I watched him closely because I wondered if he would pull a weapon from the car or try to run me over. As I was watching him, he looked up, got in his car, floored the gas and screeched his tires as he left the parking lot away from me.

Confused, I started walking to my truck when I noticed something. In his cart left behind was a Thumping Good Seedless Watermelon he forgot to put in his car. Again, I could not help but laugh.


The sweetest watermelon I have ever eaten.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Zelda

Happy Birthday to my niece Zelda who is one today!!!!

Zelda with Grandma and Grandpa

Monday, August 17, 2009

I hate the Eagles!!

I have been a Dallas Cowboy fan all my life, so it is natural for me not to like the Philadelphia Eagles. Now the Eagles have given me $1.6 million reasons to hate them.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Red-tailed Hawk

Days that I get to deal with raptors I really enjoy. Here is a Red-tailed Hawk we picked up on Wednesday that was hit by a car. It had a broken right wing. Taken to rehab and after the wing heals it will be released.

Hawk 2 by you.

Hawk 1 by you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Now another Animal to worry about

I can't explain how bothered I am by this. First off, two people got bite and second it was by a rabid squirrel. As I read the story, I realized not only did a citizen get bit but so did an Animal Control Officer. I have been bit on the hand by a squirrel more that once trying to get them out of fireplaces,cars,boats,gutters and way to many places to mention. Because they are consider a low risk rabid animal I never worried about rabies. Now I guess I have to concern myself, oh well at least I have taken the rabiesshots.
In many of my classes I have been told not to send in squirrels for rabies testing because it would over load the lab. Well guess what lab, since the next step in getting rabies is death I will be sending you any that bite someone.
I hope and pray for the Officer and the Citzen come out of this Ok.
IOWA CITY, Iowa - Two people have been bitten by a rabid squirrel in Iowa City Animal control officials say the squirrel was captured on Saturday after it bit a resident on the foot. Officials say the squirrel also bit an animal control officer. Officials say the animal control officer had been vaccinated for rabies and received a booster shot. The other person who was bitten went to a hospital but their status wasn't known on Tuesday. Officials say the animal tested positive for rabies at the Iowa Hygienic Laboratory. They say the animal was seen acting strangely, acting lethargic one moment and attacking the next.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Old Glory

I found this intresting today

Today in 1831 William Driver, a ship's captain from Salem, Mass., is credited with coining the term "Old Glory" in reference to the American flag.

This tombstone was designed by William Driver himself several years before his death, in 1886. It is in the form of a tree trunk with a ship's anchor carved on one side. The inscription reads: "A master mariner; sailed twice around the world; once around Australia; removed the Pitcairn people from sickness and death in Taheita (sic) to their own home on Septembere 3, 1831. Then sixty in number, now twelve hundred." Near the preceding inscriptions are the words: "Trust in the Lord and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily shalt thou be fed." Toward the bottom is carved: "I never wanted since" and "His God, his country, his ship and his flag, 'Old Glory.'".

Monday, August 3, 2009

Are you going to kill it?

I am so tired of hearing "Are you going to kill it?" Four times I have been asked this today and the day is not even half over. Half the time people ask me this before I even start looking into a case. How the hell do I know what is going to happen? That is what I want to say, but I don't. I smile and try and explain the options, but the sad fact is I do not have any control over what happens to an animal if the owner does not want to care for it or if it does not get adopted. The same people look at me like it is my fault the owner is treating the animal the way they do. My concern is getting the animal out of the bad situation it is in at the time and to stop any kind of suffering.

And it is the same people who will buy some kind of Doodle dog for hundreds of dollars on the side of the road instead of adopting at a shelter or looking at

(With this guy, it is hard to see, but he is chained like this and on the day of this case it was 103 outside.)

Have you ever wondered why people work at animal shelters? Have you ever thought or said, "Oh I couldn't work there, I love animals too much?" Interestingly, in response to both written surveys and verbal exercises in workshops conducted, involving several hundred shelter employees since 1994, the number one reason shelter workers have given over and over again for working in shelters is "because I love animals". They work there because they love animals, despite the pain and heartache they witness and feel themselves.

The next time you find yourself in a conversation with an animal shelter worker (or animal control officer or humane officer), instead of saying, "Oh I couldn't do your job, I love animals too much," try saying, "You must love animals a great deal to do the work you do." This type of comment, this acknowledgment, will go a long way toward boosting the morale of the people who care for the abused, neglected and abandoned animals of your community. (from Teresa Wagner)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Movie Weekend

With a few days off I had planned a few activities. For one reason or another I did none of them. I made it a movie marathon weekend. I did not choose wisely.

The Killing Room
The best of all the movies I watched. Slow start, but the best surprise ending I have seen in a longtime.

12 Rounds
Brought to us by WWE. I should have known better.Only made ten minutes of this one before turning off.

Fast and Furious.
Loads of fun. Sit back and relax and enjoy the ride. No need to have your mind on for this movie , but I did enjoy it. Loads of muscle cars and unbelievable car chases.

Angel of Death
Fooled by the cover. Made about twenty minutes of this one before turning off.

Not sure how or why I watched all of this one.

Seriously, what was I thinking when I got this one?

Midnight Movie
With this one I was wishing for a fun B movie. I was wrong.

I conclude I need to stay out of blockbuster for awhile and get a life.