Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sunday Round-UP

If you lost a Grey Donkey please let me know. This way I can thank you for giving me something to get off the highway for three hours on Sunday. Seriously you saved me from watching the Cowboys loose yet another game.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Mayday

Don't know why, but I still get surprised at how many departments can be involved in something for no apparent reason. This call came in as a dead rabbit pickup up. Before I was called, the Police, Home Owners Association President, Fire department and my boss we all called to figure out what to do. Obviously this rabbit had been in the front yard for a long time before anybody decided to call in the first place. I was also asked to put a rush on this even though I had live animals in need of service waiting on me.

Maybe not fun to have in your yard, but seriously folks, your kitchen table looks worse after your family eats a bucket of KFC.