Thursday, September 9, 2010

Party Planning

Lately I have been noticing my boss's ideas seem to be comming from Michael Scott. Today, after working in the rain and covered in mud I came in to the office to find this email.
" I need a volunteer for the Halloween Committee Party If I do not get a volunteer I will draw a name". Keep in mind the office dresses up but not a good idea for field officers responding to emergency calls.I want to respond with this video, but utube is blocked at work.


  1. I dare him to pick me.

    Assless chaps and leather BDSM attire for EVERYONE!!!!

    And by "everyone", of course, I mean ONLY that hot hispanic chick that sashays by our office area from time to time - and absolutely NO ONE ELSE. I feel it necessary to make this slight restriction so that I don't have to gouge out my own eyes with a fork.

  2. Now I hope he does pick you. He will only do it once.
